Natural Hair Journey: 1 Year Later - Yours Truly, MPS

Natural Hair Journey: 1 Year Later

8:33:00 PM

Hi lovelies! I know I have been gone a couple of weeks now, but I was attempting to create some fresh ideas for the blog. In the next couple of weeks, I will have plenty of new material for you guys! Anyways, today I am here with very exciting news! I have been fully natural for one whole year! In honor of this milestone, I wanted to share with you guys my natural hair journey thus far.

My senior year of high school I decided that I no longer wanted to relax my hair. It was definitely a big decision considering my hair had been relaxed since I was 10 years old. Once I decided to commit to this journey, one thing was certain, I absolutely refused to do a big chop. I knew that it just wasn't the best option for me. Instead, I decided to transition for a year. I spent my entire senior year wearing bantu knots and twist outs. I had to twist them almost every night to keep my natural hair and relaxed hair blended. Let's just say, it was a lot of work.

June 2015: I finally decided that I no longer wanted to transition. So, I cut the remainder of my relaxed ends off. Now, my hair was completely natural. It was very short. At first, I didn't really like it. So the same day I cut my ends, I immediately got braids put in. However, I only left the braids in for about 2 weeks before I wanted to free my natural hair again. So for the entire Summer I wore my hair in a little fro with a twist in the front or with lots of headbands. It was honestly the only hairstyles I could do because of the length.

August 2015: I was starting my first year of college. Personally, I did not want to deal with my hair with all the other things that would be going on. So I got braids again, which I wore till about November.

November 2015 - December 2015: After November, I wore my hair completely natural for the rest of the time. It was obvious that my hair had grown tremendously. I could now put it in up do's. Also, it was much longer whenever I wore it out. I was really happy with the results.


January 2016: I decided to flat iron my hair for the first time in about 7 months. It was definitely really exciting. It was evident that my hair was longer but I also had tons of split ends. I had to get my ends trimmed. Even after the trim, my hair was still longer than ever before.

February 2016 - April 2016: Once again, I wore my hair natural for the remainder of the school year. My styles were starting to become much more versatile because of the change in length.

May 2016: Near the middle of the month, I chose to put braids in my hair again. Since it was the start of my Summer vacation, I did not want to have to worry about doing my hair. I left the braids in for about a month.

June 2016: It is now officially one year since I have been fully natural. I could not be happier with the results. My hair is healthier, longer and curlier than ever before. I definitely still have a long way to go, but I am so happy with where I have gotten thus far.

Thanks guys! Hope you enjoyed! I hope to keep you all updated on my journey as it continues!
Yours truly,

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