Leave It Behind: 10 Trends & Topics That Should Be Left in 2016 - Yours Truly, MPS

Leave It Behind: 10 Trends & Topics That Should Be Left in 2016

9:36:00 PM

Hey lovelies! Another year has come and gone in a flash. Just like any other year, 2016 was filled with lots of trends. As we move forward into the new year, we should all agree to leave some things in the past! Here are 10 trends and topics that we should definitely consider saying goodbye to in 2017!

1. Lace-Up Bodysuits/Shirt
Okay I must admit that I myself loved this trend at first. It was sexy and stylish. Now a days, I feel like everyone and their mama has a lace-up bodysuit or shirt. The outfit combo is always the same the bodysuit paired with high waisted jeans. Bodysuits as a whole are definitely still in, but this particular style is a bit tired and old. Ladies, it's time to let this one go.

2. Kayne West/Kim K Street Style
Clearly, Kayne and the Kardashian Clan ran 2016. I swear if I had to see one more person dressed in all nude or khaki! It seemed like everyone was putting together these earth tone outfits and calling them a "look". Yes, the Yeezy Season 3 fashion show was great and intriguing. However, let's stop it with the biker shorts, nude body-con dress paired with a matching trench coat, ripped sweaters and Life of Pablo writing on everything.

3. Distressing Literally Everything
Omg, y'all were really out here looking like you just got attacked by a bear. I love distressed jeans and skirts. However this year, distressing was taken to another level. People had distressed shirts, sweaters, dresses.. I mean the list goes on and on. Even jeans were being cut in the most awkward places, like why does one need a slit underneath their behind? I definitely think we should tone the distressing down in the incoming year.

4. Thrasher/Band Tees
Band tees were definitely a hot item this year, specifically thrasher tees. I think the most irritating thing about this trend was everyone wore it the exact same way. An oversize thrasher tee paired with cut off jeans shorts and some thigh high boots. I'm not going to lie; originally, it was so cute. However, like everything on the list, it was played out so quickly.

5. Clear booties

Personally, I was never a fan of these clear booties. Y'all definitely lost me when you were walking around with sweaty feet and cloudy boots. Then, some of you had the nerve not to have your toes done. If these do come back in 2017, hopefully not, let's leave them only for the Spring.

6. Goddess Braids

I'm so sad that these were played out so quickly. Once again, as soon as the Kardashian Clan tried out the style, everyone ran to get their hair done like this. We should definitely leave these in 2016.

7. Excessive Baby Hairs
It's always great to see someone with some laid baby hairs. As usual, people had to take them overboard. Baby hairs should not be stuck down all across your forehead. Not everyone was blessed with baby hairs, and that is perfectly fine. Please, do not go pulling out your adult hairs trying to make them into baby hairs. Let it go ladies!

8. Mannequin Challenge
This year was definitely filled with tons of challenges on social media. The mannequin challenge had to be the most annoying. At first, it was entertaining and fun. Literally after a couple of videos, it was soooo played out. Now it seems like at every party, Black Beetles is played and everyone freezes. We should all definitely let this go.

9. Harambe
This gorilla's death was so out of control. It was funny at first with all the memes on social media. However, I was definitely over it when Harambe received votes during this years presidential election. Everyone should absolutely leave the dead gorilla in 2016.

10. Flat Tummy Tea/Instagram Promos
Instagram was filled with celebrities promoting this fitness tea. It apparently helps with weight loss and bloating. Let's get real, its all a scam. Just like the ads for the gummy hair vitamins and waist trainers. In 2017, let's all agree to just drink lots of water and exercise to get the results we want.

I hope you all enjoyed this post! At the end of the day, you can wear and do whatever you want. This post was my personal opinions so I hope no one takes them to heart. I hope everyone has a great New Years Eve! Let's make 2017 a great one!

Yours truly,

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