20 FOR 20: 20 Things I Want to Do In My 20th Year - Yours Truly, MPS

20 FOR 20: 20 Things I Want to Do In My 20th Year

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Hello lovelies! Happy New Year again! So, I turned 20 years old today. I decided to do something special to celebrate my 20 years of life. My lovely friend, Mbiye, came up with the idea of making a list of 20 things we want to accomplish during our 20th year. I'm super excited to complete this list because 2017 is definitely the year of new beginnings. Let's get into it!
1. Be accepted into Pharmacy school
I'm in a 6-year program for pharmacy at Hampton. However, I still have to apply and be officially accepted into their pharmacy school. I submitted my application during the Fall semester, but I still have to complete the interview process in the Spring.
2. Participate & Fundraiser for a Lupus Run/Walk
As many of you know, I was diagnosed with Lupus during my freshman year of college. Ever since I have really been interested in learning more about the disease. I really would love to participate in a run and fundraise for the cause.
3. Go to at least 2 concerts or attend a music festival
I genuinely have a love for music. It's basically a huge part of my everyday activities. Unfortunately, I have only been to one concert in my entire life. This year, I am determined to have that experience again!
4. Splurge on one clothing item
Basically, I feel like I never truly treat myself to certain clothing items or brands. I want to give myself something I really want without considering the price. It's important to treat yourself, right?
5. Get my first tattoo
I have been dead set on getting a tattoo since my 18th birthday. However, every single year, I chicken out of it. This year shall be different!
6. Go on a legit, all day adventure
I'm not quite sure where I will be going just yet. I just know I want to go somewhere that I have never seen and explore the area.
7. Hold a position of office in a campus organization
In high school, I was always super-involved in school activities. However, once I started college, I wasn't as active in organizations. This year, I want to be extremely active in all the organizations I participate in. Also, I would love to be able to lead and hold a position of office in one of those organizations.
8. Create blog posts at least twice a month
I definitely struggle with posting consistently each month. I want to commit to a set amount of posts that I have to create. I plan to actually schedule my posts and keep up with the blog as a whole.
9. Organize a community service event on my campus
I have always wanted to create my own community service event. I am passionate about many issues, and I would love to bring awareness to my peers. My plan is to come up with an event and host it at my school sometime during the 2017-2018 school year.
10. Do something that scares me
I must admit that I'm such an anxious person. If I haven't tried something before, I'm almost automatically afraid. I tend to think of the worst before even trying something out. I want to make myself do something that scares me this year. Although, I'm not quite sure what exactly it will be just yet.
11. Read the entire bible cover to cover
This past year, I started to be more serious about my faith and my relationship with God. I want to continue this in the new year. Therefore, my goal is to read the entire bible by my 21st birthday. I will be using a Christian website that will provide me with chapters to read daily and keep me on track.
12. Complete 4 sewing projects
When I was younger, my dream was to become a fashion designer. A couple years back, I got a sewing machine. I was so excited to use it at first, but now, all it does is collect dust in my room. I really would love to get back into sewing. It's always such a great feeling to create something yourself.
13. Obtain a summer internship in pharmacy
This one is pretty self-explanatory. As you all know, I want to become a pharmacist. So, I want to spend this Summer doing research in the medical field and getting to know more about my career path.
14. Save for my future apartment
It's my goal to have my own apartment by my senior year of college. However, I really don't want to have to depend on my parents to pay for it. This year, I want to start putting away money so I can make it happen.
15. Take a trip to New York
I have never been to New York but I have always wanted to go. So why not make it happen this year?
16. Be more selfless
I want to work on becoming a more giving person this year. It is my goal to be able to give myself selflessly to people, without thinking of myself first.
17. Refrain from putting heat on my hair for an entire year
I have gone months without putting heat on my hair, and the growth was tremendous. After my birthday, I want to keep from using heat to promote growth and healthier hair.
18. Consistently pay a bill
This one will definitely make my dad happy. Even though it's super small, I want to take responsibility for one bill this year. I think it will help me become more mature and accountable of myself.
19. Have two completely new experiences
This one is kind of tough to explain. Basically, I want to have two experiences that are completely new to me. I can't be specific yet because I'm not sure what they will be or consist of.
20. Plan my 21st birthday getaway
I have been talking about my 21st birthday for a few years now. I have huge plans for the celebration, so I need to start saving and planning for it asap.

Hopefully, I will be able to accomplish every single one of these goals before my 21st birthday! I will be crossing off each goal once I complete them, so make sure to check back on this post throughout the year. I hope you all enjoyed! Lastly, I just want to thank God for allowing me to see another year of life!

Yours truly,

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