Finals Week: Must-Haves & Tips
7:45:00 PM1. A bomb study playlist
Personally, this is one of the most important must-haves for me. I absolutely cannot study without some music in the background. Music can totally help to block out those distracting background noises. When picking out music, make sure it's songs that keep you motivated and entertained. However, be careful not to choose too lit songs! Ultimately, you want to be able to stay focus.
2. Snacks, Snacks, and more Snacks
9 times out of 10, you will be pulling all-nighters during finals week. Nothing is worst than trying to study at 2 am on an empty stomach. Make sure to buy all of your favorite snacks and candies to keep you energized all night long. Try to pick healthy snacks like granola, trail mix, and fruit because they will keep you satisfied and fueled for longer.
3. Comfy clothes
While studying for your finals, you want to be as comfortable as possible. So, I totally promote putting on your favorite sweatshirt and yoga pants. After a long night of studying, this is the staple outfit to throw on the morning of your final. The comfier and simpler the outfit, the better.
4. A good study spot
A good study spot is a key to surviving your finals week. When choosing a location, you want somewhere that is quiet, neat and comfortable. Most importantly, you want a location that is free of distractions. Sometimes that means your room might not be the best place to study. Whether it be the library, a classroom or your local coffee shop; just make sure it's perfect for you.
5. Index cards and highlighters
Studying for finals can definitely be long and tedious, but you can make it more exciting with colorful pens, highlighters, and index cards. Index cards are one of the best study tools for memorizing facts and figures. Not to mention, if you are a visual learner, these tools will definitely help you remember better.
6. Your favorite Youtube videos/Netflix shows
I bet you're all wondering what Youtube and Netflix have to do with studying for finals. Well, it's essential that you take a few breaks in between studying. What's a better way to relax than catching up on an episode of Grey's Anatomy or an episode of vlogmas from your favorite Youtuber? This will give your mind a break and allow you to regroup before studying again. However, the gag is you should only try to watch one video and not binge watch an entire season.
7. Coffee/Tea
It's essential that you stay energized throughout the night while studying. Coffee and tea are your best choices to make this happen. If you want to go for the healthier option, I would recommend you drinking tea instead of the coffee. Many people are against coffee because of its many cons, but just remember it's only for one week. It won't do too much damage.
8. Mints/Gum
Fun fact: Mints are able to heighten your senses and essentially, wake you up. So if you cannot get to a cup of coffee immediately, pop one of those bad boys in your mouth for a quick jolt of energy. Also, it's always a good choice to bring them with you to your exams. They will help to keep you awake and alert during the test.
9. Refillable Water Bottle
Water is so important during finals week. If you want to study for hours at a time, you have to stay hydrated. It's important to keep a water bottle next to you while studying. If the water bottle has a cute phrase or design on it, you'll probably be more likely to drink it.
As I said before, we all know finals week can definitely be a drag. You must stay positive, strong and focused. Personally, I cover my desk and my planner with inspirational quotes and notes to remind myself that I got this!
In this next week, remember to keep your head up and stay motivated! Happy studies everyone!
Yours truly,