Spring Break 101
6:13:00 PMHi lovelies! Unfortunately, today is my last day of Spring Break. It was nice while it lasted but tomorrow I will be back to classes and stress. :( Today I wanted to share with you guys a list of some of the things you can do over Spring Break just relax and unwind! These are specifically tailored for those of us who don't get to go to Miami, PCB or some tropical destination for Spring Break! Let's get into it!
For majority of college students, we spend our time pulling all nighters and waking up for 8 & 9 am classes all the time. So over Spring Break, you should finally get the chance to just sleep in till 1 pm. I personally slept to 3 pm one day, it felt so good!
Over Spring Break, my friend, Mbiye, took me to this new pizza shop called Blaze. It's like Chipotle but for pizza. It so cool because for $7.95, you can add as many toppings to your pizza as you want! They make it right in front of you so its basically you're own creation! I was boring and just ordered plain cheese, but i encourage you all to go outside the box and try something new! So if there is a new restaurant in your hometown that you always wanted to try, make Spring Break the time to do it!
Last night my family and I tried the bean boozled challenge. Personally, I must say it was hilarious and a great bonding experience. Over the break, you should pick up a game like Jenga, Cards of Humanity, Gestures... etc. and challenge your friends & family to a match. I guarantee you will have a good time. Maybe even make up your own rules, it could add some excitement & fun!
Yes, I am aware that Spring Break means a break from anything school related lol. When a say read a book, I'm talking about books that you would read for pleasure. Not the boring stuff like Shakespeare or another one of the classics that your English teacher forces you to read. I am actually in the middle of "Girl Boss" By: Sophia Amoruso. Its by the owner of the clothing company Nasty Gal. So far, I'm really enjoying it. So I encourage you to go outside lay out in a chair and unwind with a good book!
In the area I live in, there are about 4-5 beaches about 20 minutes to an hour from me. Therefore, I don't have to go to Florida just to enjoy the sand, the ocean & the great weather. If you're like me and didn't get to go on a fancy trip this Spring Break, hit up your local beach with friends. There is plenty of activities and food vendors to try on the boardwalk. It always a great time when you're out in the sun!
Personally, I am guilty of doing this alottttt over Spring Break. This is supposed to be a week of relaxation and fun, so what better way to relax than to catch up on all your favorite shows. My current obsession is Grey's Anatomy. I have literally almost watched all 11 seasons in less than 2 months. I am currently on the last season, let's just say I'm probably going to cry once I'm done. If you want to just chill inside the house with friends, family, or that significant other... Netflix is the way to go! Some shows I personally enjoyed were A Different World, Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill, Friday Night Lights, The Office, and The B*Tch in Apartment 23. I could probably name lots more, but I think thats a good list to get you started.
Everyone knows my favorite thing to do is shop till I drop. I actually didn't do too much damage over this break. With the weather changing, it means its time to start creating your Spring wardrobe. I personally want to reinvent my whole look this season so I have a lot of shopping to do. However, I do encourage you to start cleaning out your closet before filling it with new Spring/Summer clothes. I always try to take my items to Plato's Closet to see if I can get some money back for them. If that doesn't work, I just donate them to the Goodwill. Spring Break is a great time to get started with your new clothing goals.
There are usually so many things to do in different towns. Personally where I live, there is plenty to do. Sometimes I don't realize it, because I feel like I have done it all. So this Spring Break, find a fun activity to do with your friends. You could go putt putt golfing or go-karting or roller skating. My friends and I went ice skating. It was so much fun. It was only my second time going so it was basically like trying something new. Next time, I want to go karting because that seems fun.
I was kind of out of control with this one. I had soooooo many frozen treats over break. I mean the weather was so nice; I was always craving something sweet & cold. I had Baskin Robbins, Rita's Italian Ice, a Sonic milkshake, Sweet Frog yogurt, and lots of Taco Bell freezes. Nothing is better than good weather and a sweet treat. So I say go all out this Spring break with lots of tasty treats!
There is so many things that you probably have not seen in your city or town. Just go on a random adventure. Look up somewhere in your town you have never been before, grab some friends, and take a road trip there! I always enjoy grabbing my friends, riding in the car with the music blasting and the windows down, and going to a new place. You never know what you will discover!
I hope you all enjoyed! I hope you all have a great Spring Break! Try to make it as fun & relaxing as you can because after a week, you'll be back in school lol!