New Year, New Me? (2016 Resolutions) - Yours Truly, MPS

New Year, New Me? (2016 Resolutions)

3:00:00 AM

Every year people create tons of resolutions for the new year. If we're being real, many of those people barely make it a month before giving up on their so-called goals. I have been one of those people countless times, if I'm being honest. Nonetheless I still believe it is an excellent idea to set goals every single year and attempt to achieve them. This year I am very determined to achieve mine. Today, I will be sharing with you all my 2016 New Years Resolutions.

1. Be More Positive
This resolution is definitely easier said than done, which is why I'm making it my main focus for the year of 2016. I have found that I tend to look at things half empty instead of half full. I have really struggled with seeing the positive in different situations and people. So this year, I am striving to be more positive. I plan on saying something positive to at least two people everyday and eventually it will become natural for me. In addition to that, I want to write something positive that happens every single day. This is will force me to truly see something good in every day. 

2. Take Better Care of Myself
Recently this year, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. It definitely made this year quite tough for me. I had a very hard time adjusting to college, which has taken its toll on my health too. So in the New Year, I want to make myself a priority. I need to make sure to take my daily medication. Also, I need to achieve better sleeping habits so I'm not as fatigued and tired throughout my day. My main focus is to make sure that my body is extremely taken care of. 

3. Exercise More/Eat Healthier 
I feel like this is always on people's resolution lists and never gets accomplish. However, I will still give it a try! Last year, my doctor suggested me taking walks or jogs to better my health. Let's be real, I never once took that advice. I figured the 35+ steps that I have to take to get to my room daily was enough. This year, I am going to attempt to be more active. I'll probably start off easy with walking or jogging twice a week. Hopefully as the year goes on, I can build on that. As far as eating healthier goes, I just need to try to stop eating out so much. Since I have been in college, that's all I do considering the cafeteria food is trash. My goal is to eat veggies or fruits every single day. In addition to that, I want to give up drinking soda every day. I can't give it up entirely because I love sprite. I want to lessen my intake to about one a week then cut back from there. Lastly, I am going to force myself to drink water every single day. Everyone knows water is a major key to a healthier lifestyle. 

4. Maintain my Blog
I have had this blog url for almost 3 years now. For 3 years I have wanted to start a blog, but have always backed down. Now that I received my new camera for Christmas. I decided that is definitely time to just go for it. So in the new year, I want to actively post on my blog. I'm thinking new blog posts every Friday and Saturday since that will be the most convenient with school and everything. This has always been a dream of mine to have my own blog, so I have to be extremely dedicated to keeping it up.

5. Be More Social
Last year, I really struggled with making friends in school. I didn't go out much or at all really. I definitely kept to myself for the most part. This year I am striving to join a club or an organization that truly fits me so I can find some people like me to hang out with. I'm also going to try to be more open because I find myself to be quite closed off when it comes to meeting new people. Its my intent to at least meet one or two people that I genuinely enjoy hanging out with on a daily basis. 

6. Gain a 4.0 GPA
Last year I completed my first semester of my freshman year. Academically, I must say it was a successful one. Even though I did get all "A"s, one of them was an A-. Therefore it caused my GPA to be a 3.97 instead of a 4.0, which sucks. In my opinion, an "A" is an "A". There shouldn't be a difference in their weight because if you worked hard enough to get any A, you deserve a 4.0 for it. Regardless of what I think, the rules will be the rules. So this year, I want to strive for all "A"s again. Only this time there will absolutely no room for "A-"s. 

I hope to achieve these things in 2016! I will keep you guys updated on my progress throughout the year! HAPPY NEW YEARS! Let's make 2016 a great one!

                                                       Yours truly,


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