December 2016 - Yours Truly, MPS

Leave It Behind: 10 Trends & Topics That Should Be Left in 2016

2016 9:36:00 PM
Hey lovelies! Another year has come and gone in a flash. Just like any other year, 2016 was filled with lots of trends. As we move forward into the new year, we should all agree to leave some things in the past! Here are 10 trends and topics that we should definitely consider saying goodbye to in 2017! ...

Finals Week: Must-Haves & Tips

2016 7:45:00 PM
Hello lovelies! The most dreaded week is upon us again... FINALS WEEK. Luckily for you all, I have compiled a list of must-haves that will make this week go by as smooth as possible. Happy finals week everyone! 1. A bomb study playlist Personally, this is one of the most important must-haves for me. I absolutely cannot study without some music in the...