April 2016 - Yours Truly, MPS

Oh No, Finals! (Tips & Tricks)

2016 4:00:00 AM
It's that time again, the one that all college students have been dreading, FINALS! I know none of us are looking forward to them, but we have no choice. I have some tips and tricks that should make your finals stress free and easy, or at least less stressful than usual. 1. STUDY, STUDY, STUDY! I feel like this one is kind of...


Beyonce 12:41:00 AM
THE QUEEN HAS DONE IT ONCE AGAIN! Tonight Queen Bey dropped her new album as a hour long visual on HBO. Let's just say it was greatness. Hell, I don't even think greatness does it justice. First, let's talk about the storyline. Each song went along with like a different category or idea. At first, I thought they were the different stages of...

Freshman Year Reflection

2016 7:02:00 PM
Hello lovelies. I know I been gone for awhile but I have a lot going on school wise. Luckily for me, next week is my last week of classes then I take my finals! I'm so ready to go home for the Summer. In celebration of almost completing my freshman year of college, I decided to do a reflection on this year. I...