January 2017 - Yours Truly, MPS

20 FOR 20: 20 Things I Want to Do In My 20th Year

20 8:00:00 AM
Hello lovelies! Happy New Year again! So, I turned 20 years old today. I decided to do something special to celebrate my 20 years of life. My lovely friend, Mbiye, came up with the idea of making a list of 20 things we want to accomplish during our 20th year. I'm super excited to complete this list because 2017 is definitely the year of...

20th Birthday Photoshoot

2017 2:32:00 AM
Hey lovelies! Guess what? I finally turned 20 today. In celebration, I wanted to do a photoshoot. I had a huge plan for it, but it didn't exactly go as planned. Nonetheless, with the help of my best friend, Mbiye, we still made it work. Literally, Mbiye and I are the finesse queens. We turned my family bonus room into our own little photo...